zivot v amsterdamu?

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ahojky vsem

moc bych vas chtela poprosit o radu. Po trech a pul letech v anglii, bychom se chteli s pritelem odstehovat do Amsterdamu. Nejdrive jsem zacala shanet praci, pres ruzne pracovni agentury, ale vetsinou mi odepsaly,ze pokud jsem porad v cizine, tak to asi nepujde a az prijedu at se ozvu..Tak jsme zmenili taktiku a musime se nejdriv v amsterdamu zabydlet. Chystame se tam prijet v zari na tyden do hostelu, myslite,ze je sance sehnani bytu, nebo i pokoje behem jednoho tydne do 600 eur realna?
Taky to asi nepujde pres realitky, chcou vetsinou potvrzeni o praci...takze noviny, inzeraty v knihovnach a supermarketech budou stacit? Je jeste neco na co se mame pripravit? Vzpominate na svoje zacatky s hledanim ubytovani bez prace?:)
Budu opravdu mooc vdecna za kazdou radu. Pa jituss

Hi everyone,
I would really appreciate your help. After three year in England we decided to move to Amsterdam. First I wanted to find a job by approaching recruitment agencies but being still abroad does not help and they ask me to come over when I arrive to Holland. So we decided to find a flat or room first. We are about to come to Amsterdam in September for a week and ask if there is a chance to find a room or flat for max. 600 euros per mont? As letting agencies require proof of income this wont be the case for us either. So we have to look at ads in newspappers, libraries or shops, is there anything else we should prepare for? I will be glad for every advice.
Thanks jituss.
You can try to book a holiday house and agree with the owners the terms and conditions of your departure. If you explain the situation I think you should be able to find something.
Maybe not in Amsterdam itself but at the seaside it is not too far away from Amsterdam. If you are interested send me a PM. I might have an address in Sint Maartensvlotbrug.

It is not ideal but it might give you just the starting place you need.
Ahoj Jituss,
nevim jestli Ti budu schopna nejak poradit. Myslim, ze to pro Vas bude pekne tezke. Mluvite holandsky? Jakou praci si predstavujete najit?
Nejjednodussi dle meho (z UK do NL jsem se stehovala pred 2 lety) je najit kontakty pres vasi praci v UK tady v NL. Moje byvala firma obchodovala s Holandani, takze jsme praci hledala takto.
Ja sama bych se sem bez prace nestehovala, v soucasne dobe urcite ne.
Doufam, ze se Vam brzy zadari. Muzu se zeptat, co Vas tak laka do NL?